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Brightspace Assessments

D2L Assessments Tab
The Assessments tab in Brightspace is the place to access important tools for the submission of assigmnents, taking quizzes or exams, or seeing grades. Other tools are available only if activated by the course's instructor such as Rubrics, Self-Assessment, Competencies, Surveys, Class Progress and Awards.

There is also the TextAid tool for students who are visually impaired and require assistance to read text in the course. The TextAid tool allows text to be read aloud to the student. Support for the TextAid tool comes from the ESU Office of Accessible Services Individualized for Students (OASIS). Their web address is They can also be contacted via phone (570) 422-3954 or via email

The primary tools introduced here are the Assignment tool (Dropbox), the Quizzes tool, and the Grades tool.

PLEASE NOTE: if a tool does not work properly, contact D2L Support directly at (866) 854-0013 or submit a support ticket via the internet Support Ticket Link. D2L support is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Assignments / Drop Box

The Assignments tool (or Dropbox tool) enables a student to submit assignments in Brightspace Learning Environment eliminating the need to mail, fax, or email work to instructors. The tool is a simple upload submission tool.

Troubleshooting File Upload issuues! To troubleshoot file upload issues, please refer to the D2L Assignment Tool Troubleshooting document by selecting it here.

Assignment / Dropbox upload tool
To see more details about the Assignment / Dropbox Tool click to open D2L Assignment PDF.

To watch a video about submitting an assigment with the Assignment / Dropbox Tool click to open assignment submission Video.

To watch a video about the resubmitting an assignment with the Assignment / Dropbox Tool click to open assignment resubmission Video.

D2L Quiz Tool

Taking a quiz in Brightspace is simple. Select the quiz you want to take, read the instructions, answer the questions and submit the quiz. Navigation between quiz pages is accomplished using the Next Page or Previous Page buttons.
Quiz tool
An Important Note about Quizzes in Brightspace! If your instructor has configured the quiz with an enforced time limit, once that time limit is exceeded, you will only be able to submit the quiz. You will not be able to answer any further questions and you will not be able to change any previous answers. It the time limit is enforced by your instructor and you quit the quiz, the time keeps running regardless of whether or not you are still in the quiz. Once the enforced time limit is exceeded, only your instructor can give you more time to finish the quiz.

3 available videos from D2L regarding quizzes:

General Quiz Information

How to take a quiz

Why I can't access a quiz
A final note about the Quiz Tool! Your instructor may require the use of Lockdown Browser or Respondus Monitor to take a quiz in D2L. Respondus is a 3rd Party proctoring tool used to stop cheating on online exams. If you need help taking an exam with Lockdown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor, go to the Lockdown Browser Menu item at the top left of this page or click here!

D2L Grades Tool

Grades tool
The Grades Tool is used to view grades on assignments and tests. Individual grades can be seen as well as the grade formula used to evaluate your academic standing in the course.
To see more details about the Grades Tool click to open D2L Content PDF.

To watch a video about viewing grades in the Grades Tool click to open YouTube Video.

To watch a video about viewing feedback in the Grades Tool click to open YouTube Video.